This listing is for 250.59 acres for sale in Monroe County (), Kentucky. This property is listed as: 250 Acres Of Farm, Hunting, And Recreational Land
Pitcock Branch Road Tompkinsville Kentucky 42167 - 250.59 acres of land for sale in Monroe County, Kentucky at for $499,950
250.59 acre property with mixed use recreational, farmland, and timberland located near Tompkinsville, KY in Monroe County. This property would make a great cattle farm with two creeks and a pond. Mostly open with the balance in woods. For the outdoorsman, this property offers abundant wildlife including whitetail deer and turkey. There are several ATV trails throughout the property making it perfect for recreation. The property is located only a short drive from the Cumberland River. Will subdivide. Agent owned.
Property location:
Pitcock Branch Road
Tompkinsville, (monroe County), Kentucky